Coding a BMI Calculator in Python

Coding a BMI Calculator in Python

         My Java Script BMI Calculator post, which was written a little over three years ago still generates a decent amount of traffic. We’ve also previously covered writing a VBA code for this calculation. Today we’ll try to refresh our programming skills and take a stab at building a Python version of this code. There are some great reasons why Python is overtaking R in becoming the leading programming language for data science projects. Before we delve into any data analysis type of exercise, I thought it would be helpful to get orientated to this language via easy to follow calculation: BMI = (Weight/(Height^2)) * 703.06957964 , where Weight is measured in pounds , while Height is in inches . Before we write the first line of code, one thing to keep in mind is that while Python is a fairly easy programming language to understand and follow along; it’s rather peculiar as far as indentation is concerned. Please exercise a due care to ensure that your code compiles successfully by eliminating all of the extra blank spaces in your code and following proper indentation rules.
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